President Mooney’s speech was one of inspiration and guidance. I had never heard the backstory of where she grew up and what her life was like as a young women, so hearing it for the first time was quite special. I, like Mooney currently am undecided on a major. She explained in her speech that when she first arrived at Saint Mary’s she was not fully decided on what she wanted to do for the rest of her life. Hearing her say this gave me hope for myself, hope that although I don’t have an answer to my future quite yet, it’s okay to not have one, because one’s first year in college is all about exploring.
Something that stood out to me in Mooney’s speech was the fact that she wanted us to get a higher education so we are able to see the world with ‘awe and wonder.’ While I do agree that there are many things to be taken aback by in our world, I also can’t help but think there’s so much we can still do to help make our surroundings a better place. I’m currently enrolled in a Social Problems class here at Saint Mary’s and we learn everyday that wrong doings are occurring in various countries, even here in America. One of my goals in life is to make a difference in someone else’s by whatever means possible. I believe that poverty, hunger, and medicinal care needs to be further researched and action still needs to be taken by myself and others before I can view the world in an utmost positive light, and look at my surroundings in awe.
Another point that President Mooney presented was that in a study she recently read, a family who’s income is in the top 25% has over an 80% chance of attending a college or university. A family in the bottom 25% has an 8% chance. Mooney said that this needs to change, and while I strongly agree that yes this is a problem, I can’t help but think that the high prices of tuition at schools like Saint Mary’s is part of the problem. How is a person whose family brings in a low income supposed to afford theses colleges? I know that Saint Mary’s does give out scholarships to those who earn them and need financial support, however I’m sure there are plenty of people out there who are scared to even apply to a college such as Saint Mary’s because of the impending tuition rates.
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