Tuesday, December 6, 2011

And in the End

It’s crazy to think that my first semester of college is almost over. The first few weeks of school started out slow for me, and made me think that the semester would never end. However, after fall break the days have flown by, and I now find myself with only a few classes left before winter break. In Humanistic Studies tomorrow, I’ll be giving a presentation for my final project, a project that has combined all that we have learned throughout the semester. By researching historical context and by analyzing passages of Persepolis, I was able to put together a timeline entry that I’m proud of. I’ve never had any problems with giving speeches before, so I’m excited to share the information that I have found with the class.

Something that I’ve noticed in my humanities classes at Saint Mary’s is that professors assign more group projects than my teachers did in High School. This week alone, I will be presenting two, which is more than I can say I had to in my senior year. I enjoy group projects, because it gives me a chance to see how other people work and to see their different writing styles. I often find that a group member will say an idea about a certain topic that I would have never thought of on my own, which I really appreciate because by listening to their perspective, I am able to gain different outlooks.

So as I sit here and type this, I currently have only one remaining Humanistic Studies class remaining and two more days of regular classes. The time has flown by amazingly fast. I’m grateful for all that I have learned this semester about society, literature, and life in general. If there’s any point of my college years that I will remember most, I’m confident in saying that it will probably be this one, because it was the first time in my life that I’ve lived away from home, and the first time that I understood that there’s so much I can do with a college degree. 

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