Friday, December 2, 2011

Blog Reflection

Throughout this past semester I’ve have the opportunity to post my personal statements about various topics online for all to see. I’ve created numerous blog entries that have served as an outlet for my emotions and as a listener for my written words. By hearing other’s stories t this semester and by attending educational events I have had the realization that my identity as of now is slowly starting to take shape and that my passions have been found. Through personal reflection and deep thinking I now have a better understanding of where my life may be headed, and the future goals that I hope to achieve.

Creating this blog has helped me discover my purpose here at Saint Mary’s. In my blog post, Why Am I Here? I was instructed to watch two videos about education. After watching them I pondered questions about how relevant the information I was learning currently would be in the future. One video made it seem as though what students learn about in school today, will not need to be applied to the future because that subject matter will no longer be correct. However, I rationalized that the field of Anthropology will be necessary because there will always be a new group of people to study. Watching the videos made me realize that I should continue striving to learn new concepts in classes, but still be mindful that the future will be full of new knowledge. In this blog I was posed with the question of ‘why did I chose to attend Saint Mary’s?’ At the time of writing the blog I was unsure, but came to the conclusion that I came to get the best quality education that I could get. I initially didn’t know the answer to that question because as a new college student, I was still trying to adjust to campus life, and a part of me still missed home. Writing this blog helped me understand my true reasons for coming here, and gave me a positive outlook on my purpose.

Through writing blog entries I was able to confirm what I want to do with my education. In the blog entry Advising Module #2 I was asked to watch a video that dealt with a man describing that his success came from him pursuing his passions. This video made me think about what career would make me happy for the rest of my life. I discovered that is was the act of helping others. At as undecided major I’m still trying to explore what fields of work I can strive in. Over this past semester I have internally realized that helping people is a passion of mine, and something that I hope my future job entails. We read several stories throughout this semester and had the opportunity to blog our thoughts about each one. As I mention in the blog Persepolis 2 that I believe Marji’s story portrays her as coming of age and forming her own identity. Just like Marji, I too have come of age over this past semester. The blogs have caused me to look at my existence in college and question my interests.

One of my favorite events this semester that our Humanistic Studies class attended was the viewing of the ‘One Sided Story’ film clip. In my entry One Sided Stories I discussed my own one sided story that I experienced and how being exposed to people who have certain beliefs without any justification behind them, empowers me to want to prove them wrong. The clip helped my form my own identity because it made me realize that I’m not a person who stands by and listens to people’s ignorance, I’m a person who wants to help people understand that what they are saying is untrue. I think this may be why I chose to study anthropology and sociology; because I want to learn about truth.
This blog has taught me what my passions are in life, and what I want to strive for in the future. In Advising Module #3 I was asked to discuss what I want to do beyond SMC.  I answered that I would like to travel and see the world. This future goal is one that I hope to achieve through anthropology and through personal experiences. This blog has helped me realize where my identity now stands. I’m someone who came to Saint Mary’s for a great education, someone who cares about social injustice, and someone who wants to see the world to get a better understanding of different cultures. My passions have now been discovered, and it’s up to me to make them flourish.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so pleased to learn that this blog has been formative in allowing you to sharpen your sense of purpose. I wonder if you should continue to reflect periodically in writing on where you are and where you're headed. I'm also eager to hear how your social work class goes!
